6 Grade Pass Paper PDF (downloads) | A3BOOk
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6 Grade Pass Paper PDF (downloads)

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north-western-province-grade-6-geography-2019-3-term-test-paper-61efbee63cc43 - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Health-2nd-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Geography-2nd-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Health-1st-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

2020-6 වසර- ගණිතය -වර්ෂ අවසාන ඇගයීම -ආදර්ශ ප්_රශ්ණ පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු පත්_ර 01 02 03 04 05 - Hashini Jayasooriya (2).pdf

අනාවරණ පරීක්ෂණ අංක 6 - Bhagya Udani.pdf

2020-6 වසර- ගණිතය -වර්ෂ අවසාන ඇගයීම -ආදර්ශ ප්_රශ්ණ පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු පත්_ර 01 02 03 04 05 - Hashini Jayasooriya (1).pdf

Grade-06-Mathematics-3rd-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

2020-6 වසර- ගණිතය -වර්ෂ අවසාන ඇගයීම -ආදර්ශ ප්_රශ්ණ පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු පත්_ර 01 02 03 04 05 - Hashini Jayasooriya.pdf

Grade-06-History-1st-Term-Test-Paper-with-Answers-2019-Sinhala-Medium-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

2019-Grade-06-Maths-Second-Term-Paper-English-Medium-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

6 වසර - විද්_යාව - 2019 - පළමු වාර පරීක්ෂණය - වයඹ පළාත් අධ්_යාපන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව - Chathuranga Prabath.pdf

පුරවැසි අධ්_යාපනය Ⅰකොටස 6 ශ්_රේණිය වයඹ පළාත් දෙපාර්තමේන්තු - Dilhara Gimhani.pdf

පුරවැසි අධ්_යාපනය Ⅱ 6 ශ්_රේණිය තෙවන වාර පරීක්ෂණය වයඹ පලාත් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව - Dilhara Gimhani.pdf

06 - ENGLISH - Bhagya Udani.pdf

Science 06 Eng - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Science-3rd-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Mathematics-1st-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-English-3rd-Term-Test-Paper-with-Answers-2020-Southern-Province - Bhagya Udani.pdf

Science 6E - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-6-English-Answer - Mathugama education Zone - Bhagya Udani.pdf

north-western-province-grade-6-civic-education-2019-3-term-test-paper-61efbda86522d 2 - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-06-Civic-Education-2nd-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province 2 - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

Grade-6-English-Paper - Bhagya Udani.pdf

2019-06 වසර- ගණිතය-දෙවන වාර විභාගය-ප්_රශ්න පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු -වයඹ පළාත - Hashini Jayasooriya.pdf

2019-06 වසර- ගණිතය-තෙවන වාර විභාගය-ප්_රශ්න පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු -වයඹ පළාත - Hashini Jayasooriya.pdf

Grade-06-English -2019 -3rd-Term-Test-Paper-with-Answers-North-Western-Province - Bhagya Udani.pdf

Grade-06-Civic-Education-1st-Term-Test-Paper-2019-English-Medium-–-North-Western-Province 2 - shenelli widdhasinghe.pdf

2019-06 වසර- ගණිතය-පලමු වාර විභාගය-ප්_රශ්න පත්_ර සහ පිළිතුරු -වයඹ පළාත - Hashini Jayasooriya.pdf

Grade-06-English -2019 -2nd-Term-Test-Paper-with-Answers-North-Western-Province - Bhagya Udani.pdf

Grade-06-English - 2019 -1st-Term-Test-Paper-with-Answers-North-Western-Province - Bhagya Udani.pdf
Posted in Grade 6 on August 26 2023 at 10:21 AM
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