It's worth noting that FC 24 is still very new | A3BOOk

It's worth noting that FC 24 is still very new

For the most part, video games are intended to be fun. Players often use gaming to escape the rigors of real life, or sometimes just to wind down for a bit. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that gaming can't be frustrating, and Twitch streamer Castro demonstrates this very well. In a recent game of FC 24 Coins. the streamer lost his cool and ended up destroying his controller. This kind of rage is not uncommon from streamers and other high profile gamers, but this was particularly devastating. By the end of the tantrum, Castro's favorite controller was no more.
For those that may not recognize the name, Castro goes by Castro_1021 on Twitch, and is a popular streamer in the sports game community. Though he primarily plays and commentates FIFA games such as FC 24. he does play other games from time to time as well. Castro has been active since 2022. and currently boasts an impressive 3.1 million followers at the time of writing.
The events leading up to the controller spike were admittedly less than ideal. The online match that Castro was playing in was particularly laggy, but he still managed to keep the game tied most part. Towards the end of the game, Castro was down 1-2. and he went for one last shot to try and turn the tides in his favor. This didn't work out, as the other player's goalie blocked the shot. At that moment, it seems like the controller's fate was sealed, and the rage building up within Castro is almost palpable.
The streamer stands from his chair and begins screaming profanities, calling FC 24 a "broken game." He then begins to pound his controller against his desk repeatedly before spiking it down into the ground with such force that it richochets back up and almost hits him in the face. He later showed an image of the aftermath of his controller, and it's safe to say that it isn't pretty. This was supposedly Castro's favorite Xbox controller, but now he'll have to move on to a different one.
It's worth noting that FC 24 is still very new, so this probably won't be the only buy FC Coins induced rage that players get to witness. If players are already getting this worked up about the game less than a week after it releases, it will be interesting to see how the rest of the community, streamers or otherwise, react to the new title.
Posted in Political on June 19 2024 at 06:13 AM
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